Evilham 56fdef377d
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/linters Pipeline was successful
Release management: add release management bits
We based this on Twisted's own settings, which use hatchling as a
build system.

With these changes, the project is now published as RC on pypi, mostly
to secure the module name.

It has not been tested yet, but we should be able to install using pip
and run the project as a mdoule.
2023-12-11 19:51:06 +01:00

143 lines
3.9 KiB

requires = [
"hatchling >= 1.10.0",
"hatch-fancy-pypi-readme >= 22.5.0",
"incremental >= 22.10.0",
build-backend = ""
name = "adlermanager"
dynamic = [
description = "A self-hostable status webpage that uses Prometheus alerts to create and maintain service status and incident tracking / customer information flow."
license = { text = "MIT License" }
# When updating this value, make sure our CI matrix includes a matching minimum version.
requires-python = ">=3.8.0"
authors = [
{ name = "Evilham", email = "" },
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
dependencies = [
"Twisted[conch] >= 22.0.0",
"attrs >= 21.3.0",
"pyyaml >= 6.0.0",
"klein >= 22.0.0",
"jinja2 >= 3.1.0",
"markdown >= 3.5.0",
adlermanager = "adlermanager.__main__:run"
Changelog = ""
Documentation = ""
Homepage = ""
Issues = ""
Source = ""
# This is here to enable backward compatible extra dependencies
# that are defined using underscores.
allow-ambiguous-features = true
source = "code"
path = "src/adlermanager/"
search-paths = ["src"]
content-type = "text/markdown"
fragments = [
{ path = "" },
# Munge links of the form `NEWS <NEWS.rst>`_ to point at the appropriate
# location on GitHub so that they function when the long description is
# displayed on PyPI.
pattern = '`([^`]+)\s+<(?!https?://)([^>]+)>`_'
replacement = '`\1 <\2>`_'
ignore-case = true
packages = [
exclude = [
# This dictates what goes into a sdist tarball.
# As a release tarball, we want to include:
# - All of the library code.
# - All the useful documentation (but not the super historic stuff)
# - All of the test files, so that the tests can be run on an installed copy.
# We do not want to include:
# - Release management files (e.g. topfiles)
# - Things only useful when running from a source checkout
include = [
# Documentation
# "/docs",
# Library code
# "/",
# "/INSTALL.rst",
# "/NEWS.rst",
# "/",
# Test-running utilities for downstream packagers
# "/.coveragerc",
# "/tox.ini",
target-version = ['py39']
profile = "black"
default_section = "THIRDPARTY"
no_lines_before = "LOCALFOLDER"
known_first_party = "adlermanager"
known_zope = "zope"
known_openssl = "OpenSSL"
combine_as_imports = true
#skip = "src/twisted/logger/,src/twisted/internet/"
namespace_packages = true
plugins = ["mypy_zope:plugin"]
#TODO: progress so we can enable this
warn_unused_configs= true
warn_unused_ignores = false
enable_error_code = ["unused-awaitable"]
include = ["src"]
reportIncompatibleMethodOverride = false